Thursday, March 08, 2007


Well, Kierstin didn't make cheerleading. She really tried hard, but just didn't make the cut. She will talk to the coach to see what she needs to work on for next year. Bless her heart- she was crying and all upset and then mad and then accepted it. What a trooper. My heart was just breaking for her. She doesn't really play any team sports, so this was the thing for her. She is trying out for drill team now and also doing track, which I'm wondering if she'll stick with. Drill team, she says is different. We'll see how it goes... Keep your fingers crossed for straight A's from both girls! We'll find out next week where they are at so far...

Friday, March 02, 2007

Abby Felter

Laura's basketball teammate, Abby Felter, was injured in a skiing accident 8 days ago. She will hopefully be going home today. The inspiration that her family has given me is amazing. They are very much a family of God. It shows. It really shows. Not only do they openly talk about God's amazing grace, they are proof of it! Abby was REALLY banged up, and today she's going home to finish her recovery. Thank you GOD!!
The pictures are of the day after the accident to the day she'll be going home. Amazing!!!