Monday, October 30, 2006


Wow. I thought I had at least another year to go before it started. Boys have been calling the house for K. They are nice boys, I have met them. She is actually a cheerleader for their 7th grade football team. She knows the rules: no dating/kissing, etc. till she's 16. She will turn 13 in December. Group-type dates are fine. You know, a bunch of kids going to the movies, etc. We have been talking about abstinence in Confirmation class at church. I am going to buy her a purity ring (I still need to talk to J about that). Maybe she can get a bunch of her close friends to do the same with their parents... She keeps talking about having a big dance for her 13th birthday. She has seen one too many episodes of "Sweet 16" on MTV. Those kids have millionaire parents and get whatever they want. It's just not that way in the real world...

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